Before I go on with the progress, I'd like to add in that I had many ideas for this wheel. First and foremost, I wanted to try out polishing. The rims showed very little signs of damage at first sight, since there was the outer rim guard protecting it. However, as I tried to sand down one of the barrels, it showed ugly bits of its past. I didn't take any bare metal pics of it, but the damage was beyond re-welding new metal in. Talking to another car enthusiast (Chris Preen), I came to realise that re-welding new metal will inevitably leave a mark, even though the surface would be level. See, the material used for the barrel would've been an alloy composition - to repair it and achieve flawless metal polish would mean that the exact same composition of alloy would need to be welded in. Plainly, it would be incredibly difficult to do it.
So anyway, the first idea was to have the barrel polished, and the centre-face powdercoated/painted. Ideas ranged from classic BBS gold:

...or black:

...perhaps colour-coded white:

...or even something wild like red, or blue to match the interior.

As I saw more pics, more ideas flooded in, most of them wild and different to the norm. What about painting the centre black (or some other colour), then machine down the front metal section and polish it?

...or all black w/ polished bolts

...or all white w/ black wheel bolts?

All of the above ideas were great, some even epic, but all of them required a lot of work. Polished lip w/ classic BBS gold centres was the favourite for me, so I proceeded on to polishing the first lip...
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