Welcome to RAW Works. My name is Raymond and I live in the western suburbs of Sydney. This blog will be a portal for me to photo-document the wheels I refurbish and repaint. This is only a side hobby for me so there won't be any crazy custom jobs! My skills have only stretched so far as to using body repair materials, resprays and polishing, so anything that requires welding and unbuckling will be beyond what I can do. I hope to improve on my current skills as I go along, and as a lover of wheels, it's a way for me to express my art side as well as giving life to some tired wheels again.

At the moment, I'm just scouring through eBay for damaged wheels selling for cheap. If you have any wheels you don't need anymore, throw me an email/comment. At the moment I'm just buying sets of wheels to refurb then sell them off. I prefer not to do personal jobs/requests as I don't trust myself with that yet! But that said, pass me an email/comment if you need any help wheel-wise.

My Facebook page is @ http://www.facebook.com/raysalloywheelworks/, please "like" it!


Jul 30, 2013

Work Rezax I - Showcased Project Part 1

The Showcased event as presented by The Lowdown is on again this year, September 8th.  I thought I'd prepare a set of wheels for this occasion and I've chosen my Work Rezax I that I had bought impulsively ages ago while looking for centre-caps for my Work Rezax Roar.  They are a staggered set (18x8.5 ET45 and 18x9.5 ET45) with the rare DDC lips.  All centre plates were included but only three hexes (later found another one at Otomoto).

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It was a cheap acquisition due to the amount of damage and neglect it had suffered over the years; I'll let the photos to the talking.

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The buckles were taken to Magman to reroll and straighten out.

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Files, sandpaper and scotchbrite were used to clear the gutter rash.

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Next was to take apart the pieces.  These were relatively easy to take apart (perhaps they're not as old as the usual BBS RS that I take apart).  The sealant bead wasn't thick either so it was easy to slice apart, and then with a mallet, knock off each piece.

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It's worth noting that the Rezax has pockets in between the bolt holes for the centres and lips. Perhaps for weight-saving? Perhaps to allow for sealant to seep through instead of through the bolt holes to make it less messy for those that apply sealant between the pieces? The inner barrels are pretty standard though.

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Next is to have them painted up, the hexes refinished, perhaps locate some centre-cap emblems, and bolt up + reseal.  I already have the bolts for them :)

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